Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Check out the Pimp

I was walking on the downtown campus yesterday when I came across this strange person. He's got everything of the pimp, the dressing style, and also the position in which he is standing. Look at the way he is resting his left hand onto his hip. The light just turned green for pedestrian, so I had to take a quick shot, before he change his position that is why the quality is not so great.


ptowngirl said...

Oh my goodness, is this what pimps look like nowadays? Where are gold chains, and why is he on foot? Guess this economy has got everyone strapped! :-)


Profile Not Available said...

Wow! Time warp! I didn't realize your city was so fashionable!

Unknown said...

I thought it was Jimi Hendrix for the moment. Looks like he belongs on Starsky & Hutch.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

He must have gotten lost in a "purple haze" missed Hollywood Blvd and took three decades to walk to Canada.